Devoid of Love

my name is love. i am a trans chicago-based artist focusing on creating chaotic etherial and emotional art (ideally all at once)

my pronouns are it/its. i try to capture what i see and feel throughout my everyday life, because i think its important
to show trans joy whever i can. my transness is inseparable from my art so if that bothers you i suggest you kill yourself

i use photoshop + illustrator & audiovisualization

this is primarily going to serve as a portfolio. however by no means is this supposed to be "professional"
i do not know web design (sorry i will learn at some point), text and punctuation will be nonsensical

i wouldnt put my art in a pristine gallery in real life. why should i here

clicking on any non-metadata 'Devoid of Love' text will scroll you to my most recent piece (bottom of page)

in a way this all means so much
in another it all means nothing

  • my tumblr: link.
  • my : twitter
  • my
  • my dicsogs::discogs
  • BranMoviC Hakken.gif
    By BranMoviC, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

    honestly at this point i dont even really know what to do with myself
    some fuckin mid-20s faggot barely gettin by
    so i dance
    so i dance
    so i dance
    music is the closest thing to magic weve created
    the way we touch when the music is too loud to yell over
    lips against my cheek
    whispering so loudly
    i want to stay like this forever; a thick technocolored haze

    what can i say that hasnt already been said?
    "i mean they play this sappy type of shit all the time on the air"

    the way our bodies become one with the music
    one with eachother
    one with oneself
    i see the other dolls, i hope they see me too

    Water Spirit ยท WATER SPIRIT LIVE @ EDC LAS VEGAS 2024

    BranMoviC Hakken.gif
    By BranMoviC, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

    "this looks like shit on my machine"
    -some jackass

    but its been like this forever.
    you will change.
    you will learn to love my art.
    and what it means.
    because my art has always been me.
    and you learned to love that.
    im sorry we are hard to interface with.
    it may take a little bit of time.
    to start to know where to look for me.
    to start to find your way around.
    i try to make things easy for you.
    but i cant do that forever.


    • Q: why do i wanna fuck you so bad?
      A: get in line fag
    • Q: can i read any of the redacted poetry in your art?
      A: very unlikely. the redaction of the text is meant to represent my struggles with opening myself up to others. its very hard for you to understand what i mean if you cant read it. you just have to guess from the shape of what im saying
    • Q: lol what were you smoking when you made these?
      A: weed probably. maybe a ciggy
    • Q: can i commission you?
      A: at the moment im uneasy about taking commisiion work. its nearly impossible to tell what a piece will look like when i start on it. so any type of request from a commissioned would probably go unanswered
      that being said, if you actually for real want to work on something, message me on tumblr. you just gotta understand it will be expensive and you will have little to no say in the what the final product looks like
    • Q: why does this site suck so fucking much? i mean like for real i cant read anything
      A: because i want it to. it makes me feel at home in my jungle of partially obscured information

    BranMoviC Hakken.gif
    By BranMoviC, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link

    i am a cat named love
    yes that is my name
    yes i am actually a cat
    (yes making art is hard with paws)

    Phishing Scam Link

    my links (again)
    bc i dont care to fix this mess
    the more i add , the further away my intro gets from my art
    ... yeah
    remember what made these when you look at them
    keep me in your mind as the intricately placed colors and shapes start to mean something
    then let me fade away from your mind. but i will never truly leave.
    my art bears a part of me i cannot recover. but you can hold it
    rotate it in your hands
    shake it a little bit. sometimes its sharp sometimes its smooth
    but it is me

    here's all my art in a random order i think

    clicking on the images or the title will take you to the full res version (NOT RECOMMENDED ON A METERED CONNECTION)

    you probably thought i was like 13 because of how bad this site is, huh? but no, im 22 actually. it looks like this on purpose.
    anyway, the portfolio part is nice and tidy. i use [DD-MM-YYYY]

    ChainedLollipopEstradiol [07-02-2021]

    digital photography (nikon d610)
    arguably where it all started. i remember talking with atlin while staging and taking this picture. i had recently started hrt

    SYSTEM.atica [22-03-2022]

    poem, digital photography plus corruption and photomanipulation
    the first time i used pixel sorting AND my recurring textless-text-box motif. this is my desktop backgroun and phone background. a very important piece to me. the poem (not visible) is my thoughts on my system and my struggles with it. the base image used for this was the floor of a machinegirl show i went to

    "JUN3" D035N'7 100K G00D 1N 13375P34K [27-11-2022]

    digital collage + type stuff
    the cover art i made for a playlist i made. my text box motif returns :+1:

    Fagcore*(Imhigh) [10-06-2023]

    digital photography + collage, type stuff +, photomanipulation. 3d modeling done by the wonderfulAtlin
    primarily an experiment as i rarely have a "focus object" in my art. i love how this turned out and would be open to doing more 3d stuff in the future


    audiovisualization, + digital photography and image manipulation.
    the poem (not visible) in this piece is about my struggles maintaining relationships and how wonderful the momentary relationships we have with people can be. it also includes a letter to the doll reading it. its a lot. this is likely my most technically impressive piece and is one of the few pieces where i knew it was done exactly when it was done

    highwaytotheendoftime [19-08-2021]

    digital photography and photomanipulation and texture generation
    one of hte earlier pieces. i really enjoy the colors in this one. though if i were to remake it i wouldnt feature the branding so heavily

    Untitled-Teeth [14-07-2021]

    digital photography + photomanipulation
    this is the door from a deli case and images of one of my close friends teeth. very simple but very striking, the gentle mix of colors and smiley faces bring comfort in the maw of the storm

    EGO SWALLOWER [27-05-2022 & 12-06-2022]

    ddigital photo & photomanipulation.
    a small piece. this is a melancholic piece. taken in a construction site, it shows the unfinished ceiling of a room. this unfinished space has been captured and changed. its now something new but the remnants are still there. smeared lights give way to rusted beams and pvc tubes. this is not just an image but a place too, one that you can enter.
    Reach through the Screen. Touch my hand. Feel the Static as We commune. You understand now.


    poem, digital photography + collage, type stuff.
    the 3rd instance of my text box thingy. in this piece i express my frustration with how people attempt to define my existence. i no longer remember exactly what i had in mind originally, but now? i am love. i am gore. i am machine.

    Cat At Party [12-11-2023]

    poem, digital photography and image manipulation
    a nearly incomprehensible run-through of my thoughts after a party

    DEAD_NERVES::STEREO [20-07-2024]

    digital videography and image manipulation
    part-1 of deadnervesstereo. many titles were in mind for this; 'postcard' 'lost signal' 'watcher'

    Validating-Phantoms [01-09-2023]

    intended to be a wallpaper but honestly nothing tops SYSTEM.atica for me. still one of my favorite pieces. the textures i created here are *pristine*

    an_excersize_in_recursion+patience+low_energy_commitments [02-10-2025]

    audiovisualization, noisedeck +pixel sort

    A Poisoned Flower [19-09-2021]

    digital photography and photomanipulation
    similar to Fagcore*(Imhigh) in that this has a focus object (the aformentioned poisoned flower). i manage to bloom even though i am hurt. i may look uglier because of it, but if anything, it makes the fact that i bloomed at all that much more impressive

    1 H4T3 YOU [01-09-2022]

    lyrics. digital photography n photomanipulation.
    a piece about sexuality and repression

    an icon i made for a tumblr blog [28-02-2023]

    audio visualization and image manipulation
    my sideblog M3CH4N1C4L-MU51NG5

    Devoid of Love (Untitled) [09-01-2024]

    audiovisualization digiphotography, and image manipulation
    originally made as a lower-chaos wallpaper, i thought it looked much better as a cardback for mtg proxies.this piece was kind of meant to represent me *more* than my other art however i think it failed because i didnt use my text box motif

    DEAD_NERVES::STEREO [20-07-2024]

    digital videography and image manipulation
    part-r of deadnervesstereo. many titles were in mind for this; 'postcard' 'lost signal' 'watcher'

    DAMAGE? [06-09-2024]

    digital photography and pixel sorting
    this was mostly a texture used in algae but i thought it was good enough to post in its own right

    ALGAE [06-09-2024]

    digital photography && pixel sorting + photomanip
    the mood struck me
